Milo Software Release Notes

The latest Milo software update is always available via the Milo Link mobile app, available for both iOS and Android mobile phones or tablets.

Some software features requires the latest Milo Link version, so please keep both Milos and Milo Link up-to-date.

We recommend ungrouping your Milos before you install a new update.

Milo Software Version 11.0

Long Range Messaging, Headset Mic Support,  extended MiloAI™ voice control, and more! 

(June 3, 2024)

Version 11 brings a preview of two new featuresLong Range Messaging and Headset Mic Supportas well as many other improvements.

New Features in 11.0 (Preview Release)

  • Long Range Messaging Send short, spoken messages to anyone (or everyone) in your Milo group – even when they’re out of reach for real-time conversation, thanks to new extensions of MiloNet™ and new MiloAI™ voice capabilities.

    Just say “OK Milo, message Peter” and then your message, e.g. “I’m at the peak, heading down.” Or say “OK Milo, send a message (to everyone)” followed by your message. Received messages automatically play on arrival, and if you want to hear the most recent one again later, just say “OK Milo, repeat that” or “OK Milo, repeat the last message from Peter”.

    Note: To use Long Range Messaging, use the Milo Link app to enable Voice Control on all Milos in the group. 

  • Headset Microphone Support — Now you can use the microphone in a connected USB-C or Bluetooth headset. The Microphone Preference setting in Milo Link controls which mic is used when a headset is connected. 

         Important notes on this Preview version of Headset Mic Support

  • Wind Noise: In our testing, most Bluetooth headset microphones struggle in wind above 10 mph (16 kph). The inline mics of USB-C headsets seem to perform better. 
  • MiloAI™: Even when external mics are used for voice, MiloAI™ continues using Milo’s calibrated mic array to maintain situational awareness. Features like Proximity Mute, may not work well if Milo is obstructed.
  • Voice Detection Sensitivity: If your headset mic isn’t performing as expected, try adjusting sensitivity via the on-device smile-button Settings Menu or in Milo Link. 
  • Compatibility: This preview release has been tested with USB-C headsets from Apple, Samsung, and Google, and Apple AirPods (Pro, Gen2, Gen3), and OpenRun Shokz. If you find a headset that doesn’t work, please let us know by email at 
  • Range: If maximizing range is important in your activity, keep Milo mounted unobstructed and high off the ground. Avoid stuffing Milo in your backpack as this will reduce range. 

Expanded MiloAI™ Voice Capabilities in 11.0 

MiloAI’s voice interface has been extended:

  • Get help  — Want to hear more about using one of the new features? Just ask Milo: “OK Milo, how do I send a message?” or “OK Milo, how do I start a chat?” or “How do I use voice commands?” or “OK Milo, how do I record a new name?” If you want to hear the tutorial again, just say “OK Milo, play the tutorial again.
  • Turn Proximity Mute on/off — Just say “OK Milo, enable/disable Proximity Mute” to quicky change that setting without accessing the on-device menu or opening the Milo Link app.
  • Change volume — Just say “OK Milo, turn up/down the volume” and Milo quickly changes the volume by 3 clicks.
  • Mute Milo’s mic — Just say “OK Milo, mute the mic”. You still need to click the Milo button to unmute since the mic is muted, so Milo won’t hear you.

The voice commands above are one of several ways to control each feature. MiloAI™ will understand several common, natural ways of asking for something, and its vocabulary will continue to be expanded with every software update.  To use MiloAI’s Voice Interface and any voice-controlled features, please enable Voice Control in the Advanced Settings screen in Milo Link for every Milo where you want to use it.  Voice Control is currently only available only in English.  

Additional Improvements and Bug Fixes in 11.0 

  • Larger Group Range Improvements: Groups of 4 to 8 Milos now work significantly better in most mesh topologies, including greatly improved range, more accurate out-of-range notifications, and more reliable reconnect when back in range.
  • Voice latency decreased by 20%. Milo’s dynamic latency system adjusts voice latency on the fly to balance robust mesh performance with minimum audio latency. 11.0 includes optimizations that reduce both the minimum and maximum system latency by about 20%. 
  • Improved side chat support. Several bug-fixes were made; additionally, if in a side chat, MiloAI’s response to a roll call will now only include info about those in the side chat. 
  • Recalibrated mute button. Milo Button is now much less likely to trigger push-to-talk when attempting to mute. 
  • Version highlights after update. After updating to a new version, you’ll hear a summary of that version’s new features instead of the out-of-box tutorial. That tutorial is still accessible via the on-device menu or a voice command.
  • Louder default volume on power up. Default output volume is increased from 33% to 66%. 
  • Proximity-Mute with headphones. In response to user feedback, Milo now fades to complete silence when used with headphones or headsets.  
  • Milo’s name changes persist through language changes. Now all names available in the Milo Link name list can be used in all Milo languages. Names that only exist in English (US) will use that recording and voice.
  • Improved Headset Pairing user-flow. On-device UI improved when pairing and connecting to a Bluetooth headset. 
  • Long-press smile button for Bluetooth quick-pairing. Holding the smile button on the back of Milo will begin a Bluetooth search for the headset. 
  • Fixed MiloAI™ notifications in several languages.  
  • Proximity Mute state announced at start-up. In response to user feedback, Milo now plays a reminder if Proximity Mute is enabled at start-up. 
  • Out of Box Tutorial updated. The intro-to-Milo was updated to reflect the latest features and UI. 

Known Issues in 11.0.0

  • Changing Microphone Preference on-the-fly does not work with all BT headsets. Please configure this setting as you wish before connecting your headset. 

Microphone quality on many BT headsets is quite poor and Milo’s hands-free voice detector may not work reliably. Changing Milo’s Voice Detection Sensitivity setting to High in Milo Link helps with some models.

 Earlier Releases

Milo Software Version 10.0 — Introducing MiloAI™

(December 19, 2023)

Introducing MiloAI™, the awareness engine powering Milo’s Adventure Intelligence features!

MiloAI™ features let you focus on your adventure and friends, not your gear. MiloAI™ monitors your surroundings and group, adapts settings automatically, gives you timely alerts, and now responds to your spoken commands.

  • Range Notifications — MiloAI™ proactively tells you when something needs your attention. Now you can stop worrying about whether your group has drifted apart and is out of range
  • Proximity Mute — MiloAI™ senses when Milo isn’t needed:
    When you’re close enough to talk directly, Milo politely silences itself to not get in the way
  • Roll Call MiloAI™ summarizes who is in your group, who’s in range, and who’s out of range
  • NEW! Milo Voice Control (Preview Release) – MiloAI™ accepts your spoken commands and questions! This Preview Release supports 1-on-1 Side Chats (see below) and group status queries. We’re releasing it as a Preview so we can gather feedback on voice recognition accuracy in real-world use by the Milo community.

NOTE: Preview Features are opt-in. Enable Voice Control in the Advanced Settings screen in the Milo Link app.

  • NEW! Voice Controlled 1-on-1 Side Chats — MiloAI™ with Voice Control now enables private, 1-on-1 Side Chats with anyone in your group! Just say “OK Milo, speak with Taylor” for a temporary, private Side Chat with Taylor, where only you and she can hear each other, and then “Ok Milo, return to the group” to return to your whole Milo group. 1-on-1 Side Chats are great for:
💡 Get 1:1 real-time coaching from your ski instructor, without bothering everyone else in your group.
💡 Take a few focused black Diamond runs with a friend, while the rest of the group jokes around on the easy blues.
💡 Figure out plans for a lunch break without all the kids chiming in.
  • NEW! Voice Queries: Group Status — Just say “OK Milo, who’s in my group” and Milo responds with the names of your group members and who is online or offline.

And, of course, many more useful Milo Voice Control features are coming soon!

Other Improvements in 10.0

Improved Range Notifications 

Milo’s Range Notifications are now more accurate and reliable. As you reach the edge of range, you’ll start to get voice dropouts. If you continue, no voice will make it through; if you don’t return immediately, Milo will let everyone know you’re out of reach.

Echo Bug Fixed

We fixed a nasty bug where a Milo would occasionally retransmit the voice played from its own speaker, creating an unpleasant echo effect.

Milo Software Version 9.0 — Global MiloNet™ 2.0, On-Device Settings Menu, Enhanced Bluetooth and more!

(November 21, 2023)

MiloNet™ 2.0 with improved range is available in all regions, a new Milo Settings Menu, Enhanced Bluetooth, and more!

New Milo Features (9.0)

MiloNet™ 2.0

What is it? 

MiloNet 2.0 delivers increased Milo range and greater reliability in most conditions, including among trees, when low above water, and among other obstructions such as rock ledges and hills. It also eliminates potential interference issues with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. 

MiloNet 2.0 is our next-generation mesh network powered by newly certified high-performance radio profiles, dynamic bitrates, and many other optimizations to deliver increased range and greater reliability in all Milo regions.

How do I use it? 

MiloNet 2.0 is now a standard feature that’s always enabled in all regions. It is fully compatible with proximity-aware Proximity Mute (previously “Duck-My-Neighbor” or “Adaptive Volume”) which temporarily ducks (lowers) the volume of speech from others in your group when you get close enough to talk in person. The volume automatically increases to its set level as you move away from each other. 

Known limitations:

  • Everyone in the group must be on Milo Software 9.0 or higher
  • In the EU and UK, to be compliant with regulations, sub-GHz radio bands are available for group sizes up to 4. For groups of 5+, MiloNet will automatically switch to new, high-performance 2.4GHz radio profiles.

On-Device Settings Menu

What is it?

An on-device Menu that provides quick access to a few common features and settings without using the Milo Link app:

  • Record a new custom name
  • Pair and connect to Bluetooth headphones
  • Enable / Disable Water Clearing
  • Play the Milo tutorial
  • Adjust Proximity Mute range

How do I use it?

Click once on the smile-shaped button on the back to enter the menu. Use the Volume +/- buttons to move through the settings, then use the side (group) button to select or cycle-through options for that setting. 

New Customization for Voice Detection Sensitivity and Proximity Mute Distance

What is it? 

Two new configurable settings allow you to customize Milo for each adventure and environment:

  • Voice Detection Sensitivity – Sensitivity determines how loudly you need to speak for Milo to hear and transmit your voice to your group. A quiet person in a quiet environment would choose high sensitivity. If there is a lot of background noise, choose lower sensitivity, but also remember to speak up.
  • Proximity Mute Range (Duck-My-Neighbor distance) – This lets you change how soon the voice from others in your group ducks (lowers) when they get closer and goes back up as they move away. You can change this setting depending on your activity. If you make the quiet zone smaller, others need to get closer before the volume is ducked, and vice versa for a larger quiet zone.

How do I use it? 

For each Milo you want to change, go to Advanced Settings in the Milo Link app and select the feature you’d like to configure. You need Milo Link version 1.0.11 or higher.

Notable Milo Feature Improvements

Enhanced Bluetooth Support

Bluetooth is now enabled as a standard feature (no longer in preview) and includes support for stereo output (A2DP). When using Milo with stereo headphones, audio from each member of your group is heard with a slight separation to enhance intelligibility.

Audio Processing Enhancements

Milo’s audio processing algorithms have been enhanced to handle extreme audio environments. Milo now detects and mitigates blocked and water-logged microphones, and noise cancellation has been improved in various specific environments, such as on icy ski slopes.

Water Clearing mode

Water Clearing is now a standard feature. It is still controlled with a toggle so that you can enable it while in / on water, and disable when using Milo on land. When enabled, activate Water Clearing with a press-and-hold on the Milo button. When disabled, Milo button controls Push-to-Talk mode.

Milo Software Version 8.0.0 – Water Clearing, Configurable Notifications, Range Increase

(August 23, 2023)

Configurable Out-of-Range notifications, MiloNet™ 2.0 featuring sub-GHz radio band preview, Water Clearing preview, and more!

New Milo Features (8.0.0)

Milo Customization: Advanced Settings

What is it? Milo Link now gives you the ability to set Milo’s behaviors based on your preferences.
How do I use it? For each Milo you want to change, go to Settings in the Milo Link app, then Advanced Settings. Each feature has a default. 

  • Out-of-range notifications – Choose your style of range notification messages for when your group goes in and out of range. Descriptive is the current default. You can also choose a more concise style that relies on earcons (sounds), or you can turn off the “out of range” and “returned” notifications completely.
  • Adaptive Volume at startup – Choose to power up with Adaptive Volume either enabled or turned off.
  • Volume at Startup – Choose “Safe” to always power on Milo at about 50% volume, or “remember last” to power up at a level closer to the last set volume. 
  • Mute indicator – Choose whether or not LEDs show when your Milo is muted.
  • Battery alert – Choose if and when a powered up Milo automatically alerts you that your battery is getting low. 

MiloNet™ 2.0 (Opt-in Preview Feature)

What is it? A preview of MiloNet running on the sub-GHz radio band. This provides increased range and greater reliability (less out-of-range) in most conditions, including among trees, when low above water, or among other obstructions such as rock ledges and hills. In addition, interference from Bluetooth and WiFi is eliminated. These improvements are achieved by leveraging the sub-GHz radio frequencies and new high performance radio profiles, including dynamic bitrates, and other advanced optimization techniques.

How do I use it? Enable the Preview Feature for each Milo in the group.

Known limitations:

  • Everyone in a group must enable this feature for the Milos to take advantage of MiloNet™ 2.0.
  • Adaptive Volume is not currently available when Milos are using MiloNet™ 2.0 (it will be added in a future release).
  • This feature is not yet available in all regions (Australia / New Zealand).
  • MiloNet 2.0 supports groups of 4 in the US and groups of 2 in the EU, including units that are in the group but powered off. When larger groups are formed, Milo automatically reverts to standard operation (2.4GHz with Adaptive Volume support). Sub-G will support larger groups in an upcoming update.

Water Clearing (Opt-in Preview Feature)

What is it? The water clearing feature is intended for use where Milo could get dunked in water, such as kitesurfing, foiling or kayaking. 

How do I use it? Enable the Preview Feature. To use, press-and-hold the Milo button for at least 1 second. A tone plays over several seconds, helping drain accumulated water from Milo’s speaker cavity and microphones. To avoid water accumulating in the speaker, we also recommend mounting Milo pointy-end down in the clip to assist in draining any water.

Known limitations 

  • PTT is unavailable in this mode since holding the Milo button is used for water clearing.
  • Mic processing is tuned to keep typical water sporting noises out. As a result, you may need to speak louder when volume is turned up high, or set to Volume Boost. When not used around water, we recommend disabling the feature.
  • If not enabled and the speaker gets water logged, acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) may not trigger in all conditions, resulting in echo feedback.

Milo Identification via Milo Link

What is it? Milo’s light ring now lights up so you can see which Milo you’re changing settings for.

How do I use it? Tap on a Milo in your Milo Link list and watch the light ring on the corresponding Milo.

Anonymous Cloud Telemetry 

What is it? We have added the ability for you to help us improve Milo by sharing anonymous usage data, for example group size, amount of time Milo is muted, and whether a Bluetooth headset is used. This type of data compiled across different users helps us improve existing features and prioritize the development of new Milo features based on experiences during a variety of adventures.

How do I use it? Choose to accept (or reject) with a toggle in the EULA acceptance screen.

Ability to Share Logs

What is it? You can now send us diagnostic logs via the Milo Link app. Diagnostic logs are not anonymized since their purpose is to analyze an issue with a specific Milo. The collected information includes Milo serial number and MAC addresses of connected devices. We do not access or collect personal data from your phone.

How do I use it? To help us analyze any unexpected Milo behavior you report to us, we may ask you to send us logs. If asked, go to Troubleshooting > Diagnostic logs in Milo Link and follow the instructions.

Notable Milo Feature Improvements

Out-of-Range tuning

The Milo Out-of-Range notifications have been tuned to minimize unwanted short-term signal-drops, like when you dip into water momentarily or ride past a large obstruction. The effect is making it harder to go out of range because of a temporary obstacle, as well as easier to get back in range. 

Improved battery reporting

Improved accuracy and robustness of battery level reporting.

NOTE to iPhone users: If you’re having trouble connecting to Milo after the update is installed, do the following:

  1. In Milo Link, unpair each Milo
  2. in iPhone Settings > Bluetooth > My Devices, remove (“forget”) each Milo from the list.
  3. Do a factory reset on each Milo.
  4. Pair Milos again in Milo Link

This is most likely to apply when updating from version 6.x.x to 7.x.x or higher.

Version 7.0.1 – Performance Improvements

(May 31, 2023)

  • Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes.

Version 7.0.0 – Bluetooth Headsets, Set Region, USB-C Updates

(May 24, 2023)

Bluetooth headset pairing (preview feature), Set Region, alternative update method, and more!

New Milo Features (7.0.0)

Preview Features (Milo Link Opt-In)

What is it? When we have a new feature that we want to make available even while it is still in development, we can now provide it as an early pre-release version for you to try. This might be a feature that our users have requested but requires additional work on our part to make robust in all contexts. Or it can be a cool feature we’d like feedback on. Or something else. Preview features are always opt-in, so it’s always your choice if you want to try that feature.

How to use it? First, connect your Milo to the Milo Link app. Select that Milo in the My Milos list. Tap Preview Features, and read about the feature. If you decide to try it, tap ENABLE. Milo will automatically reboot.  After a few seconds you should see Enabled in the Milo options menu. Follow any additional instructions to use the feature.

Trade-offs to consider? Preview features are still under development and may have adverse effects on user experiences. That’s why they are preview features! Some may affect the behavior of other Milo features; your Milo may even reboot itself unexpectedly. Some features may not be available in all regions. Remember: you can disable the feature anytime.

Current Preview Feature: Bluetooth Headset Pairing 

What is it? Pair and connect Milo with common Bluetooth headsets. We have tested with Apple AirPods (Gen 2-3, Pro) and Shokz OpenRun (previously branded AfterShokz Aeropex), but many other brands also work.

How to use it? Opt in to preview features as described above. Then, put your headset into pairing mode, hold the smile-shaped button on the Milo for 3 seconds (you’ll hear a notification that you’re in pairing mode and the LED ring shows search mode). Wait until pairing is established (you’ll hear a notification and the LEDs stop). You can also pair and connect via Milo Link.

Known limitations

  • Pairing can take as long as 40s
  • You may need to try pairing a couple of times
  • When pairing, you may temporarily get disconnected from your group
  • After pairing, it may take a few seconds more before audio comes out of the headset
  • Reconnecting may not work if you have used the headsets with other nearby devices since your most recent use with Milo
  • Bluetooth significantly decrease range (to about half; this will be resolved in a future update). Headsets with separate earbuds reduce range more than all-in-one headsets.
    Using Shokz can reduce the Milo-to-Milo range by up to 40% and AirPods by up to 60%. This range reduction is known and will be fixed in a future release, which we expect to be available in a few weeks.
  • The headset’s mic is not currently used – we utilize Milo’s 6 mics for wind noise reduction. So be sure to keep Milo close to your mouth, as you’ve been doing.
  • If you connect AirPods using Milo Link on an iPhone, the phone may pop up a window offering to connect with the AirPods – close that window using the small X in the corner and without accepting

Set Region

What is it? Specify your geographic region in Milo Link.

How to use it? Before traveling, ungroup your Milos. After arriving in a different region or country, reconnect your Milos to Milo Link. Tap-to-choose each Milo to see its settings. Tap Region, choose your correct region, and save.

Trade-offs to consider? None. After you have updated your region when you’re in a new location, you’ll know that you are in compliance with that country’s RF regulations, which is important as it is your responsibility to be in compliance. 

Notable Feature Improvements (7.0.0)

  • Additional battery-life optimizations
  • Grouping reliability improvements
  • Notification sounds minor bug fixes
  • Custom name recording minor bug fixes

Alternative Milo Update Method

Our Milo Link app continues to be your best source for new features and software updates. We also know that some of you have had trouble using Milo Link to install those updates, usually because of network interference. If this is you, we now offer an alternative update method: 

Version 6.0.0 – Speaker Boost, Larger Groups

(March 13, 2023)

New Milo Features (6.0.0)

Speaker Boost Mode

What is it? To deliver intelligibility in extremely loud environments, Speaker Boost Mode configures Milo to drive the built-in speaker at its limits. “This one goes to 11” so please be considerate of your environment.

How to use it? To activate Speaker Boost, simply continue turning up the volume past max volume: when you hear the max-volume ‘double-boop’, click volume-up three more times (or hold volume-up) until you hear the “boost-enabled” notification. Turn it off again by pressing volume-down.

Trade-offs to consider? A large increase to speaker volume doesn’t come for free. The two main trade-offs when activating boost mode are 1) a general reduction in sound quality and 2) a potentially significant impact on battery life if you have a talkative group. Also, be aware that because of how loud the boosted volume is, Milo’s microphones will be less able to hear you when the speaker is playing; so you’ll be less able to break into the conversation. 

Larger groups

What is it? Milo now supports groups of up to 8 Milos

How to use it? Simply join up to 8 Milos to a group. Note: When creating a large group in close quarters, we recommend adding 1 Milo at a time and temporarily muting Milos before grouping to give Adaptive Volume time to calibrate. Just remember to unmute when done.

Trade-offs to consider? None

Notable Feature Improvements (6.0.0)

More reliable network audio delivery

  • Users will now experience fewer audio drop outs, particularly in larger groups, thanks to improvements in the dynamic-latency algorithm and further reductions in MiloNet™ bandwidth utilization.

Improved Out-of-Range (OOR) notifications

  • Users should now experience fewer ‘toggle’ notifications (OOR -> back -> OOR) near the edge-of-range
  • When coming back in range, Milo will now come online sooner, i.e. when further apart.  Note that if returning at high speed, you may be able to get unexpectedly close before Milo decides you’re back in range.

Louder, more consistent voice volume

  • Microphone processing was reworked to deliver louder and more consistent voice-volume on receiving Milos, particularly when the transmitting Milo is mounted far from the mouth. For best performance, we continue to recommend keeping Milo as high up and as close to your head as is convenient.

Grouping Improvements

  • Grouping is now more reliable when briefly holding the grouping button or when grouping a large number of Milos at once.

Custom Name improvements

  • New custom names (recorded by clicking the smile button) will now propagate to other Milos significantly faster and more reliably.

Adaptive Volume Improvements

  • Audio from nearby Milos is now made even quieter, particularly in loud environments and when multiple Milos are nearby. As a reminder, you can temporarily disable this feature by holding both volume buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.

Battery-life optimizations

  • Several software optimizations were implemented to conserve power, particularly when muted.
  • The LED indicator for “muted” has been removed. The easiest way to check if you’re muted is to ask your group or toggle the Milo button and listen to the notification of “Muted” vs. “Unmuted.”

If you have trouble installing a software update, please refer to these tips: and

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