Controlling Milo’s volume and mute from a headset / headphones

Many headsets and headphones with manual volume controls let you change Milo’s volume from those controls. You can still use Milo’s own volume buttons as well — they stay in sync to give you flexibility. Similarly, on many headsets with a manual mic mute button, you can mute or unmute using either the headset’s button or the Milo button. 

Be aware that not all headsets synchronize well, however. We recommend testing this on your favorite headset or headphones before your first Milo activity. 

We have several headsets and headphones that we ourselves use and test with extensively. Read more about specific headsets and headphones here: Third Party Accessories  


NOTE: By default, Milo still uses its built-in microphones even when you use a headset that has its own mic. In Advanced Settings, you can choose to instead favor the mic on a connected external headset.


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