Orders & Returns

Where can I buy Milos?

You can buy Milos online at our website https://shop.okmilo.com/product/buy-milo/ or on Amazon. You can also find Milos at an ever-expanding...

Do you offer faster shipping options?

For fastest shipping options, please order from the Milo store on Amazon.  

Can I try Milo before buying?

You can see Milos in person at one of the quality stores already carrying our products, including Sheels and REI...

When will I receive my order?

We are happy to try finding more detailed information on your order if you ordered directly from our website. To...

If I buy a Milo bundle or pack, can I add more Milos later?

Yes, you can. You can create groups with the Milos you have now, any ones you might purchase in the...