Connecting & Communicating

Tips for a superior audio experience

Conversation privacy

Are my conversations private? Yes! Your Milo conversations are considerably more private than your conversations on any standard walkie-talkies or...

Mute and unmute your Milo mic

To toggle mute / unmute (your Milo’s microphone on/off), do one quick click in the center of the big round...

Noise cancellation when using a headset

The Microphone Preference toggle in Milo Link controls the microphone (audio input) you use when a headset is connected to...

How to avoid audio feedback

When grouped Milos get close to each other, the Proximity Mute feature automatically lowers the speaker volume to avoid creating...

How to minimize noise from a group member

Your Experience:  Someone in your group is talking, but you and/or others can’t hear what they say, even when in...

Does Milo work in National Radio Quiet Zones?

In terms of working, Milo is a radio and will therefore transmit and receive like any radio can, unless someone...

Troubleshooting: A grouped Milo can’t connect or talk to others

On rare occasions, you may experience that someone in the group can’t hear or be heard by someone else, even...